Made It Through Winter!

Even though it was 18 degrees this morning when I went to do chores, there are clear signs that we are making it through winter!  The highs in the afternoon are getting warmer, calves are being born and the chickens are increasing production!

We hope you all made it through winter unscathed.  As for us, we are looking forward to the spring.  Winter has been good to us, however.  We will sell more beef in 2022 than ever before and have almost all of it sold.  We have 2.75 beeves left to contract for our December butcher date, and then we are sold out!

We are currently taking orders for our wholesome, outdoor raised pigs that are fed only non-GMO feed.  The butcher date for these pigs is in January of 2023, and they will join our farm in July.  We are continuing to take both our pigs and beef to Greenleaf Meat Packers as their bacon, sausage and hams are delicious!  And they provide great customer service.  

And, if you are interested in eggs from truly free-range chickens, check out our product page for eggs.  

Happy Spring everyone!